May 25, 2013

Days Post Cath.

I have had a lot of people asking how Josh has been doing since his catheterization... the short answer?! Did he have a catheterization? If he did you really wouldn't know it! He has had no pain, he's been in good spirits, he even went to school the very next day!

I can't get over how faithfully God has answered all of our prayers. It  has been so unreal to watch. I keep waiting for the bottom to fall out, but it doesn't, and he seems really good. He even seems to emotionally understand it which is incredible!

I have been, as you know collecting RED photos from anyone praying and supporting Joshua, the response has been pretty amazing. I have shown Josh some of the responses and all he can do is smile, it's a beautiful thing to see him smiling so much in the midst of all this uncertainty. I have also discovered how wonderful it is to see my inbox filling up with RED... it's tangible proof of the prayers that are being sent up on Josh's behalf and I have to tell you, this is turning into a blessing for all of us, not just Joshua. What began as a show of support for Josh has become a reminder to us all, an encouragement to us all and a everyday as I save the emails and the pictures that come in I am awed and touched by the faces and love that we are seeing. I have always known that people are praying... but to see the faces for myself, faces of dear friends, and faces of complete strangers... well, let's just say that we are ALL being blessed by this incredible show of solidarity through out this process.

Josh's wound is healing well, and the only problems we have had are keeping him from bouncing off walls. When he asked me if he could go to school on Thursday I have to admit I hesitated. The doctor said that kids normally take a few days to recover, I asked Josh so many times if he was in pain that he finally got annoyed with me and said emphatically "NO!". So, off to school we went. Other than changing his dressings (which scare him because the bandage hurts coming off) he is taking all of this in better stride than anyone else. He's not just a trooper, he's my hero.

Thank you again for all the prayers and support as we travel again down this road. We will have answers on Monday afternoon and I will update you when I know what the next game plan will be. Until then, keep sending those red photos. I am starting to think I might need to make a few collages with the amount of pictures we are getting but I would plaster his walls if it showed him how much he's loved, how many people are praying from all parts of the world! I am also keeping all the emails that come with them so that one day (when he can read) he will be able to read about the prayers and love. I will be collecting pictures until a few weeks pre-op so you have some time to share this and find some red to wear. :)

Many blessings on each and everyone of you!


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