December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

Another Blog tradition, or just a tradition in general I guess is to look back at the year on New Years eve and count my blessings. This year I am so happy to announce that we have had no major traumas!! WOW!! That in itself is worthy of a Post or two!! Let me recap for a second...

2005 - I moved from Europe to Canada after some major life changes
           - Tim had some major life changes of his own to deal with
2006 - Tim and I met and became engaged!
2007 - We got married and discovered we were having our first child
           - This was also the year we found out about Joshua's diagnosis
2008 - We welcomed Joshua into our world!
           - Josh had his first open heart surgery, three catheterizations and a stroke
           - We made the trek as a family to Europe
2009 - we learned that we would welcome a new baby into our family
           - Kaleb was born after a problem filled pregnancy totally healthy!
2010 - We bought of first home, renovated from top to bottom and moved in two
              weeks later!
           - Joshua went into heart failure and had his second open heart surgery
2011 - Joshua rejected his new pulmonary valve and was again take to the OR for his
             third open heart
             -Kaleb was diagnosed with asthma & anephylactic allergies to nuts (found that
              one out post PB&J sandwich)
2012 - With only one scare with Kaleb, and one with Joshua we got through the year
             with NOTHING more than the average struggles, and setbacks. We even made
             it to Disney and Sanibel Island which the boys are still talking about!

2012 has been a year full or insurmountable blessings, answered prayers and dreams fulfilled. Tim was offered and accepted the position as Senior Pastor for Little Trinity which we eagerly anticipate in March 2013. We have watched our kids grow, develop and mature into two really cute and fun kids who simultaneously  entertain us and drive us around the bend. More important that any of that is that we have seen God work his healing hand through both our boys. Josh's new meds for his heart seem to be holding off heart failure, buying him precious time and his language, though slow, is making strides. Kaleb is now seeing a new doctor and his asthma has been more under control in the last few months than ever before. His new medications are a miracle for him and we are so thankful that we got the doctor that we did.

When I look back on 2012 it's not the struggles that stand out, not the times of worry or anxiety or stress. What stands out are the moments of joy, the laughter, the sweet things the boys have said or done, the times I have been able to enjoy with Tim growing in relationship, or just the moments when the house was quiet.

My wish for you for 2013, is that this time next year when you are staring 2014 in the face you will look back on 2013 and the stuff that stands out are the moments of joy and laughter, peace and contentment. My wish for you as you begin a new year is that you look forward not back, and when the struggles and pain come you find a way to look up and see how the hand of God is moving even in the storms.

Happy New Year!!



  1. Hi! My name is Stefenie Jacks and my youngest was born with Complex Congenital Heart Defects. Each year on my blog I share the stories of moms who have children with CHD. I would love to have you share your story on my blog during CHD Awareness month in February. Would you be willing to share your story? You can view past stories I have shared on my blog by clicking here:

    Please get back to me as soon as possible. Thanks! Hope to hear from you

  2. How about we plan an exchange of stories? I too promote CHD awareness month by telling the stories of kids with CHD and the views from the parent's perspective as well. I also blog about important organziations to the heart world, and why CHD is so vital and how desperate we are to raise awareness. Let me know if you are willing to do an exchange of stories :D


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