October 10, 2013

I need your help

Today's post will be short and to the point as I am running very close to 'out of time' for the giant list of 'to do's' that await my attention.

As a Mom who has made it my mission to raise awareness and one day (hopefully, money) for CHD I am now in a race to see what news outlet will pick up the story for February (heart month). I have a lot of planning already in the works and an article in the process of being written. However, in past years, regardless of the copious amount of work I do, I still can't get interest from the media.

I am writing this because I need you, my faithful readers, to help me. If you know, have friends that know, or may are, a reporter, editor, in TV, anything... I need you. I have the connections for the world of Congenital Heart Defects, the medical personnel, the charities, and I have a lot of ideas for 'the hook' that the media requires. What I don't have is the connections to the media to make the story go live.

Please, read and share this and maybe this year... finally... we can begin to get the stories of CHD survivors out there, raise awareness for better adult care, for screening on newborns, and possibly influence students of cardiology to go into a specialty. One day, with your help, we can find a cure!

Thanks for the help!


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